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Closing Rituals

-Rubin Kaplan AZA #841-

Fall Term, 2002

Aleph Godol: Aleph S'gan, the business of this meeting is ended. What say you?
Aleph S'gan(rising): Let us go forth into the world and practice the principles of Patriotism and Judaism, those principles of honor that we preach here.
Aleph Godol: Aleph Mazkir, the business of this meeting is ended. What say you?
Aleph Mazkir: Let us go forth into the world and show that the things Patriotism and Judaism stand for are the things we value most. Let us manifest in our lives kindly deeds, unselfishness and a desire to serve.
Aleph Godol: Aleph Kohen Godol, you will lead us in prayer.(Rap three times, all stand.)
Aleph Kohen Godol: Our Father, Father of Israel and all mankind, we ask Thee to give us strength so that we may carry with us outside the Chapter the great lessons we have learned while together. Help us so to live that we may be worthy of our comradeship, our country, our religion. May we always so conduct ourselves that we will bring no discredit upon them.
All: Amen
Aleph Godol: My brothers, let us go out into the world and show all men we dedicate ourselves to honor, to truth, to virtue, and to justice. Thus we hasten the day when all men will acknowledge the common fatherhood of God and the common brotherhood of man. I now declare this meeting closed. Aleph Shotare Godol, allow those present to depart in peace.

(Often followed by "Up, You Men")

Kangaroo's Corner copyright 2002 by Rubin Kaplan AZA #841. Site created and maintained by Whitey.